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What Happens If a Leather Bag Gets Wet?

what happens if a leather bag gets wet

What happens if a leather bag gets wet? This is a common concern for leather bag owners alike.

When leather gets wet, it can absorb water, causing stains, spots, and negatively affecting its structural integrity. This occurs because water binds to the oils in the leather. As a result, water pulls these natural oils out as it evaporates, leading to stiffness and brittleness.

Additionally, if not dried properly, the leather may become moldy or mildewed, contributing to potential foul odors and further spoilage. Addressing water damage promptly is crucial to preserving your leather bag's quality.

In this article, we at Andar will explore the steps to take when a full grain leather bag gets wet, as well as how to prevent water exposure with our The Product Care range.

What this article covers:

What to Do When Leather Gets Wet

At Andar, we understand the importance of proper leather care.

Here's what to do when your leather products get wet:

1. Dry

When your full grain leather purse gets wet, the first step of leather bag care is to dry it properly. Use a dry and clean microfiber cloth to gently blot the water off the leather surface. Avoid rubbing to prevent further damage to the surface.

Let your leather bag air-dry naturally in a well-ventilated area for a couple of hours. Be sure to keep it away from direct heat sources like radiators, hair dryers, or sunlight during this time.

For the best results, stuff the bag with white paper towels or unprinted paper to help soak up excess moisture and retain its shape while drying.

As per our expertise, patience is key during the drying process; rushing can lead to cracking or warping of the leather, resulting in long-term spoilage.

how to dry leather bag

2. Condition

Once your bag is completely dry, it's time to condition the leather. Use a product like ours from The Leather Care Kit to replenish lost moisture and maintain its suppleness.

Apply our Andar conditioner using a dry cloth made of microfibers. Massage it in circles gradually and evenly across the leather surface till it permeates the material's fibers.

Conditioning helps to restore the innate oils that water exposure might have stripped away. Moreover, regular conditioning stops warping and discoloration in the future, keeping your leather bag looking brand new each time.

We recommend conditioning your full grain leather handbags every few months, or more frequently if they're exposed to harsh or dry conditions.

3. Buff

After conditioning, the next step is to buff the leather and restore its shine by using a product like Andar's The Leather Cream.

Apply our cream with a soft microfiber cloth, working it into the leather in small, circular motions. After this, leave your leather bag to dry overnight for up to 8 hours.

Our research indicates that buffing does more than just improve the aesthetic appeal of your leather bag. It also helps to seal in the cream, providing longer-lasting protection against everyday wear and tear.

4. Protect

The final step in caring for a wet leather bag is to protect it from future water damage.

Applying a water-repellent spray to the leather bag creates a protective barrier against potential water exposure. Reapply the spray on a consistent basis for maximum efficacy, especially after cleaning or conditioning.

Through our practical knowledge, we found that using a combination of conditioning and protective sprays offers optimal leather care so your leather goods remain resilient against various environmental factors.

wet leather purse how to dry it

How to Prevent Leather From Getting Wet

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to proper leather care.

Here are some tips from us at Andar to keep your modern leather goods dry and in prime shape:

  • Keep Leather Out Of Wet Conditions: Avoid exposing leather bags to rain or wet environments whenever possible. If you know it's going to rain, consider using a different bag or taking extra precautions.
  • Use A Cover: If you can't avoid moisture, use a protective cover or umbrella to shield your leather bag during inclement weather. There are many stylish rain covers available that can complement your bag while keeping it dry.
  • Invest In Proper Storage: We recommend storing leather bags and other accessories like Apple watch bands in a dry, cool place to stop moisture buildup and mold growth. Additionally, avoid storing leather in plastic bags, as this can trap moisture and promote mildew.
  • Waterproof Your Products: Consider applying a waterproofing spray to your leather goods before use. This can provide an extra layer of protection against light rain or accidental spills.

Leather Bag Got Wet FAQs

What Effect Does Water Have On Leather?

Our investigation demonstrated that water can have several negative effects on leather, causing it to:

  • stain
  • dry out
  • become brittle over time
  • become permanently deformed and discolored with prolonged exposure

With immediate care and proper drying techniques, you can mitigate water's adverse consequences on your leather bag.

water on leather bag

Does Water Ruin Leather?

Water doesn't necessarily ruin leather, but untreated water exposure can lead to significant deformation.

The extent of damage depends on factors like:

  • the type of leather
  • the duration of exposure
  • how quickly you address the issue

After trying out these products, we found that prompt and proper care, including drying, conditioning, and protection using Andar's The Leather Care Kit, can salvage most water-exposed leather items.

Does Leather Shrink When It Gets Wet?

Leather can indeed shrink if it dries too quickly or is exposed to high heat.

This is why we always recommend air-drying your leather goods away from direct heat sources such as radiators, hair dryers and sunlight. Slow and controlled, natural drying helps maintain the leather's original shape, size and overall integrity.

If you're concerned about shrinkage, stuffing your bag with unprinted paper or white paper towels while it dries can help preserve its shape.

Can You Wash A Leather Bag?

While we don't recommend that you ‘wash leather bag' in a washing machine, you can still clean it safely by hand.

Start by using a dry microfiber cloth with our Andar cleaning solution from The Leather Care Kit. Gently clean the surface in circular motions without soaking through the leather.

After cleaning, always follow up with conditioning to restore necessary moisture to your leather bag.

Why Does My Leather Bag Smell Bad?

Sometimes, a leather bag smells like fish or has other unpleasant odors due to:

  • bacterial growth from moisture exposure
  • the bag being made using inferior fabrics (such as faux leather)
  • manufacturing processes involving potent chemicals
  • not properly drying a bag after it gets wet

To address this, you can utilize our Andar leather cleaner and a dry microfiber cloth to remove any residual dirt or discoloration.

Next, follow up with our conditioner from The Leather Care Kit to restore the leather's innately pleasing smell and The Leather Cream to promote a supple finish.

how to dry leather bag


In this article, we discovered that when a leather bag gets wet, the moisture can permeate the fibers and negatively affect the structural integrity, resulting in a warped material.

We explored the immediate steps to take when your leather bag gets wet, including proper drying, conditioning, buffing, and protection to stop future water exposure.

Made using our premium oil-waxed hand craftsmanship, our range of modern leather goods are designed to withstand daily use while conserving their beauty.

Ready to invest in quality leather that stands the test of time?

Explore our Andar full grain leather bags today and carry what matters, come rain or shine.

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